KEIWA Incorporated

About Keiwa

HomeAbout Keiwa


We are aiming to become a global KEIWA that contributes to a cheerful world and to future societies.

Since its founding in 1948, Keiwa has never been satisfied with its current status and has always taken the initiative to act first.

We have actively innovated marketing methods, technologies, and various systems in order to proactively, quickly, and accurately respond to the ever-changing needs of customers. This approach is called "dynamic domain", which is our management policy.

Initially, we were founded as a supplier of waterproof paper to the textile industry to support Japan’s postwar reconstruction and then gradually grew as the leading processed paper manufacturer in West Japan. We grew rapidly and achieved a major leap by supplying various function products, such as moisture-proof packaging materials, processing materials, protective sheets for natural gas and oil pipes, to the chemical industry and the steel industry undergoing international expansion. At this point, possessing three distinctive technical systems of sheeting, laminating, and coating, our company had solidified our status as one of the few global manufacturers of function products.

Since then, the company has survived recessions caused by two oil crises and the collapse of the economic bubble. However, due to the spread of the Internet and the advancement of the information society, the field of display devices used for various digital equipment has recently become one of the few "expanding industries" in the period of low growth.

Responding to the needs of the optical industry, we have come up with an innovative solution of the diffusion film-"Opalus". We have obtained unparalleled performance in this niche segment.
Entering this year, we started with customer-oriented marketing and further refined our core technologies of sheeting, laminating, and coating with the addition of Ultra-Precision (high accuracy) technology, with the aim of becoming a manufacturer of functional films and solutions.

Furthermore, along with business expansion, we continue to accumulate and develop technologies to maintain and improve the world environment.

As a global-minded company, we work with our subsidiaries in Japan, Taiwan, China, South Korea, and the United States to promote collaboration with companies around the world.

Based on our business philosophy of "Creating Harmony between Nature and Industry", Keiwa Group will make further contributions to the future of our earth and society.

Representative Director, PresidentKeiichi Osamura

Management Principles

Creation of the Harmony
between Nature and Industry.

Human beings benefit considerably from Nature and the products they make.
However, if these products are not in harmony with Nature, their benefits cannot last long.
To achieve this harmony, it is necessary to acquire precise wisdom and technologies based on a long-term perspective and flexible thoughts.
We constantly enhance our creativity and assertiveness as an organization to provide this kind of wisdom and technology.

Management Vision

Aiming to be a CSV group that creates shared values
between nature and society through providing high quality"

Keiwa's Values

Company Overview

Company name KEIWA Incorporated
Established on 28-Sep-1948
Representative Director, President Keiichi Osamura
Corporate Headquarters 3F, Sumitomo Seimei Kayabacho Building, 2 Chome-10-5 Nihonbashi Kayabacho Chuo-ku Tokyo
Capital 3,889.76 million yen
Business areas

■Optical sheets
Manufacture and sale of various optical films, including light diffusion sheets used in liquid crystal displays for notebook PCs, tablet terminals, smartphones, etc.

■Life & Environment Innovation Div.
Manufacture and sale of various industrial materials such as special films for medical and hygiene usage, as well as processing papers, building materials, packaging materials, agricultural materials, and clean energy materials with specific functions

■The Plaster Tape to Rescue the Earth Div.
Development, manufacturing, and sales of protective and life-extending sheets for building roofs and various structures.

Group companies (consolidated subsidiaries) 4 global companies (1 manufacturing and marketing company, 3 sales companies)

Company History

Hidetaro Osamura established KEIWA Commerce and Industry Co., Ltd. in Kobe
Tokyo sales office opened (currently known as Tokyo headquarters)
Shiga plant established (currently known as Shiga AT Center(SATC))
Ogura plant established (currently known as SATC K-Site)
Chiba plant established (currently known as SATC T-Site)
Headquarter building established in Higashi Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
Hidetaro Osamura took over as Chairman and Keiichi Osamura as President
Founder Hidetaro Osamura passed away
At!ack Techno Center I (currently known as Wakayama Techno Center I) established
Company name changed to KEIWA Incorporated
A local company Taiwan Keiwa Inc. established in Taiwan
Suzhou representative office opened in China
At!ack Techno Center II (currently known as Wakayama Techno Center II) constructed
Shenzhen Office opened in China
A local company Keiwa (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. established in China
A local company Seoul Keiwa Optoronics Co., Ltd. established in South Korea
At!ack Techno Center III (currently known as Wakayama Techno Center III) constructed
Ningbo Office opened in China
A local company KEIWA Incorporated USA established in the US
Shenzhen Office moved to Dongguan Office in China
Beijing Office opened in China
Tokyo Headquarters moved (Nihonbashi Kayabacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
Osaka Headquarters moved (Kawaramachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture)
Listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Value Creation Center (VCC) established
Listed on the first Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Chengdu Office opened in China
Listed on Prime Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Keiichi Osamura appointed as Chairman, and Masao Ashikaga appointed as President.
Chengdu Office moved to Chongqing Office in China
Keiichi Osamura appointed as President.

China Local company「Keiwa (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.」

恵和株式会社 東京本社
Tokyo headquarter (Nihonbashi)

地球の絆創膏本部 淡路ベース
地球の絆創膏本部 淡路ベース

Office Locations

Headquarters Postal code: 103-0025
3F, Sumitomo Seimei Kayabacho Building, 2 Chome-10-5 Nihonbashi Kayabacho Chuo-ku Tokyo

TEL. 03-5643-8700(Main)

Osaka Headquarters Postal code: 541-0048
7F・5F Sanyo Senko Kawaramachi Building, 2-2-7 Kawaramachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture

TEL. 06-4707-7150(Main)

Branch Office
【Chofu Branch Office】
Postal code: 752-0953 14-1, Chofu Minatomachi, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Production / development base
【Wakayama Techno CenterⅠ・Ⅱ】
Postal code: 649-1532 4026-13, Inanbara, Inamicho, Hidakagun, Wakayama Prefecture
【Wakayama Techno Center Ⅲ】
Postal code: 644-0025 1825-17 Aza-Saigodani, Kitashioya, Shioya-cho, Gobo-Shi, Wakayama Prefecture
【Shiga Advanced Techno Center】
Postal code: 529-1441 332, Gokasho kawanamicho Higashiomi-shi, Shiga Prefecture
Postal code: 656-2225 9-7, Ikuhoniijima, Awaji-shi, Hyogo Prefecture
Development base
【Value Creation Center(VCC)】
Postal code: 619-0237
2F KEIHANNA PLAZA Laboratory Wing, 1-7 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku District, Kyoto City

Global Subsidiary Locations

Taiwan Keiwa Inc.

33 F, No. 66, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao W. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10018, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL. +886-2-2370-0035 FAX. +886-2-2370-0152

Keiwa (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. Nanjing Office and Plant

No.1, Lanxia Road, Moling Industrial Park, Jiangning Economic Development Zone, Nanjing, 211111, China

TEL. +86-25-5215-7713 FAX. +86-25-5215-7723

【Suzhou Office】
Room 1704,Taiping Finance Building,398 East of Suzhou Avenue,SIP Suzhou,JiangSu province,China

TEL. +86-512-6761-6881 FAX. +86-512-6761-6882

【Dongguan Office】
Room 1702, Section 4, Chang’an Commercial Plaza, No. 303, South Changqing Road, Chang’an Town, Dongguan, Guangzhou, 523850, China

TEL. +86-769-8150-2788 FAX. +86-769-8150-2798

【Ningbo Office】
Room B1406‐2, building 1, Zhongqing Culture Plaza, No. 1229, Daqi Baoshan Road, Beilun District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315800, China

TEL. +86-574-8689-9942 FAX. +86-574-8689-9913

【Beijing Office】
Room 1118, Jiamei Building, No. 16, South Guangshun Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100102, China.

TEL. +86-10-6558-8179 FAX. +86-10-6558-8177

【Chongqing Office】
36-28, Building 2, Longhu Tianji, No. 160 Qiucheng Avenue, Xiantao Street, Yubei District, Chongqing, 401120, China

TEL. +86-23-6595-6455 FAX. +86-23-6595-6455

Seoul Keiwa Optoronics Co., Ltd.

908, 9F OPULENCE Bldg., 254 Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06647, Korea

TEL. +82-2-755-1216 

KEIWA Incorporated USA

2445 Augustine Dr Suites 150, #214 Santa Clara, CA 95054, U.S.A.

TEL. +1-669-266-3900 

HomeAbout Keiwa

Contact Us

At Keiwa Inc., we flexibly develop and create products to meet all the requirements and demands of customers.
Please kindly contact us for further information.

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